Here is my interactive CV.
  • MA-FAS from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI in Mathematics
  • B.Sc. from Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY in Mathematics and Linguistics
  • GPA: 3.69/4.00
Research Interests
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Cross-linguistic Semantics
  • Monotonicity of syntactic phenomena

  • Proof Theory, especially Natural Deduction systems
  • Eight-valued Lattice Logic inspired by the Saptabhangivada of Jainism
Work Experience
Spring 2022
Department Intern, Dept. of Linguistics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
  • Read all lecture notes for Mathematical Methods for Linguistics, including new ones
  • Provided detailed feedback on the lecture notes; the feedback should discuss content as well as presentation
  • Wrote up detailed solutions (including discussion of incorrect solutions) for hand-crafted exercises in the lecture notes

Summer 2021
Academic Affiliate, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
  • Conducted research at ICERM offices for 8 weeks on periodic trajectories of polygonal billiards dynamics
  • Worked with undergraduates, TAs, and faculty mentors to prove results making connections between existing theorems and approaches
  • Used SageMath (a package for Python) to test hypotheses and run simulations

Spring 2021
Lecturer's Assistant, Dept. of Mathematics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
  • Responded promptly to students' questions in virtual calculus class
  • Participated in classroom management

Winter 2020
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
Student Software Coder, Teaching and Learning Lab, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Stony Brook, New York
  • Collaborated with faculty of Biology, Biomedical Engineering, and Philosophy to produce unique and specialized educational software
  • Designed and implemented interactive theorem prover to improve upon existing programs (Logic 2010, Logic 2000) to teach Łukasieviczian propositional logic
  • Improved upon the Virtual Reality game Tarski's Truth Machine, making it accessible from desktop and a wide range of VR devices
  • Integrated the skills (graphics, video editing) of other members of the lab to improve user interfaces of software tools

Lead Conference Organizer, Sonya Kovalevskaya Day of Math for Girls, Ambler, Pennsylvania
Conferences with Participation
Summer 2022
Mei Rose Connor* and Paul St. Denis**, (Drag and) Drop It Like It's Hot: Comparison of Educational Software for Teaching Natural Deduction and Axiomatic Derivation, MathFest 2022, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Presented a poster highlighting a product, DragLogic, developed in the Student Software Coder position
  • Compared and contrasted features and interface of DragLogic with competing products including Logic 2010, ∃Logic, and QED.

Winter 2022
Mei Rose Connor*, P. Michael Kielstra, Zachary Steinberg, Chenyang Sun Hyperbolic Staircases: Periodic Paths on 2g+1-gons, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, Washington
  • Presented poster on work done at ICERM with 3 undergraduate collaborators

Spring 2020
Mei Rose Connor, JainaSyadLogic, Gathering 4 Gardner 14, Atlanta, Georgia: Cancelled due to COVID
  • Invited to give a 6-minute lecture on work in seven-valued logic
  • Prepared a unique giveaway for all conference participants related to work in logic and teaching logic

Fall 2019
Mei Rose Connor, Opening Statement, Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg, Germany. Video here
  • Produced a 1-minute long Opening Statement shown to all participants and laureates at Opening Ceremonies
  • Engaged daily with mathematics and computer science laureates as well as young researchers from around the world
  • Attended professional development Q&A led by Fields medallist Efim Zelmanov

* indicates presenting author
** indicates supervisor
Extracurricular Activities
Spring 2021-Spring 2022
President of Stony Brook University Math Club, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
  • Planned and organized events ranging from faculty and student lectures to statistics-themed craft night
  • Held meeting of executive board every week during which previous week's and future events are discussed
  • Designed posters and mailings sent to a 400+ person mailing list to raise awareness and attendance at events

Spring 2021
Math With Words: An Introduction to Formal Semantics, Stony Brook University Math Club, Virtual. Video here
  • Introduced the idea of analyzing the meaning of sentences based on the meaning of constituent parts (compositionality)
  • Stepped through the process of deriving truth conditions for a sentence from lexical, phrasal, and substitution rules applied to it
  • Part of a series of Quarantined Undergraduate End-of-Semester Talks (QUEST) with various speakers (Spring Semester series)
  • Presented in under 20 minutes, as is the constraint for QUEST

Winter 2020
Bombelli and the History of Complex Numbers, Stony Brook University Math Club, Virtual. Video here
  • Discussed the history of complex numbers, building from the ideas of Diophantos and Mahavira to the problem of the solutions of cubics in the XVI century
  • Part of QUEST (Fall Semester series) and presented in under 20 minutes

Spring 2020
From True and False to JSL: An Adventure in Logic, Stony Brook University Math Club, Virtual. Video here
  • Introduced the ideas of the propositional logic connectives, their syntax, and their semantics in terms of truth tables
  • Discussed modal logic operators, box and diamond, as well as modal axioms
  • Showed history, motivation, and syntax of JainaSyadLogic, the presenter's own 7-valued modal logic system

Winter 2019
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland
Computer Skills
LaTeX 2ε, Desmos Graphing Calculator, LEGO Mindstorms EV3, JavaScript/jQuery, HTML/CSS, Python 3
Familiar with
Maple, Sage/CoCalc, Mathematica
Mei Rose Connor, Diana Davis, Paige Helms, Samuel Lelièvre, Michael Kielstra, Zachary Steinberg, and Chenyang Sun. Hyperbolic staircases: Periodic paths on 2g + 1-gons. Preprint.