Here are some projects I am currently working on:
A screenshot of DragLogic
A spin-off of the classic board game Monopoly themed around the Masters of Logic (MoL) at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) that is there. Instead of moving around the board and purchasing real estate in Atlantic City, in MoL-opoly the goal is to collaborate with as many logicians as possible and rake in the juicy social credit that having your published theorems cited brings. All of the logicians on the board are real, and work (or had worked) at the ILLC at the time of creation.
This project began with the attempt to prove R. Montague's Paradox of Grounded Classes in the natural deduction style of Kalish, Montague, and Mar. What Montague proved in a single paragraph and my friend in 36 lines, I proved with my own constraints (but in the style of KMM) in 50 lines with a similar notation to my friend. The project then shifted in an artistic direction as I decided that I wanted to display the proof in a nice way. I decided to blend the "cold and austere" (B. Russell, A History of Western Philosophy) beauty of pure logic with the colorful and tactile beauty of embroidery. Every time a sub-derivation is begun, the color changes.
A screenshot of the HTML code that defines this page
This website should count for a current project. It has taught me much about the limitations of the flexbox, as well as how many centering commands there are in CSS, among other things. I also had a bit of fun with the JS, learning new jQuery commands to make the interactive CV and the magic button on the homepage work. Visit again and there might be a blog!